June 28, 2011

Basic Cell Types Never Evolved

Consider if you, as an alien from another world, saw a thousand different houses each built with doors, lights, couches, rugs, A/C units, plumbing, sinks, etc that were all very similar in design. You would assume rightly by implication from the designs that these houses were built by intelligent beings who were reusing basic devices, supplies, and inventions over and over again with some variation. You would, in this case, be sure that the basic building components were designed. Theoretically, a complex computer program could generate houses using the basic components, but the components themselves would be marked by design. The individual components, in many cases, are more complex in design than the overall house structure. (In other words, some components require more intelligence to design than the building blueprint. No disrespect to architects.)

Taking this analogy to another level, if you saw that the TVs, A/C units, doors, dish washers, etc were all nearly identical from house to house, you would assume that the same intelligent developer was responsible, or you might assume that the house equipment was so perfect and efficient that no one would think of using other equipment.

As it turns out, living organisms are built using cells, and there is only a relatively small number of cell types. According to recent studies, it has been concluded that cell types only “evolved” once [1]. The design of a heart cell, for example, has remained relatively unchanged for 500 million years. The photoreceptor cells have remained “unevolved” for about 500 million years. Starting around the Cambrian explosion, many kinds of cells sprang into existence. These basic cell types haven’t changed significantly for 500 million years or more. So, I ask you a simple but critical question: How is it that such complex and useful building blocks of life forms formed rapidly over tens of millions of years and then stopped evolving for hundreds of millions of years? Another simple but critical question: How is it that there are no known intermediate types of cells? If hundreds of cell types could spring into existence over about 20 million years, how is that hundreds of cell types haven’t been springing into existence over and over again during the last 500 million years?

Evolution apparently formed the necessary cell types, and then started working on how to rearrange cells to form basic body plans, and then finally decided on tweaking body plans to form specific species. Thus, it appears that great complexity sprang into being rapidly, followed by complex body plans, finally followed by relatively simple adjustment to those basic body plans. The majority of the complexity seems to have appeared instantaneously without intermediate steps. This is consistent with the genetic information being created and rapidly expressed, but it is not consistent with the idea of randomly mutating organisms that stumble upon greater complexity through millions of years. Random evolution does not account for the rapid rise of complex building components (cell types).

Now, an ordinary evolutionist is forced (for better or for worse) to assume that the basic cell types and genetic information for complex creatures was covertly developing millions and millions of years before complex life formed (~550 Ma). Somehow (through random processes, we are told) eukaryote cells were amassing a library of useful designs (a “toolkit”) for later use. You think I’m joking? I’m not, for I have seen actual science articles suggesting this very idea [2]. They suggest that somehow, through unknown processes, simple life was genetically evolving into more complex life without much physical evidence to show for it! Through millions of years, life was “experimenting” and trying to find good designs and was “saving” useful designs. The problem with all of this is that it lacks any good evidence. The other problem is that it sounds way too much like an intelligent process, for how would life know to save just the “good” designs? The process whereby this would happen is not exactly known.

The evidence supports a rapid emergence of complex cell designs. Naturalistic evolutionists don’t have any grounds for assuming that cell complexity gradually evolved. The evidence is nonexistent. The only reason they believe that the cell types gradually evolved is because they have unshakable faith that evolution (or some natural process) can explain exactly how we got here—how space, time, and matter conspired together to make intelligent, complex beings called humans. It’s the greatest conspiracy theory ever made... and like all giant conspiracy theories, the evidence is misinterpreted and the theory is taken on faith.

[1] http://www.biosciencetechnology.com/News/2011/05/Study-Suggests-Successful-Blueprints-are-Recycled-by-Evolution/; http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-successful-blueprints-recycled-evolution.html
[2] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2280037/; http://www.nymc.edu/sanewman/PDFs/Developmental-genetic%20toolkit.pdf; http://www.fossilmuseum.net/Paleobiology/CambrianExplosion.htm

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